Saturday, July 31, 2010


Image representing Netflix as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase
Netflix is one of the greatest inventions ever. When I first heard about it I was skeptical, mainly because I was one of the few who enjoyed going into a Blockbuster store and wandering around until I found something I wanted to watch, reading the back covers of all of the DVDs. I enjoyed talking to employees who would give me recommendations and knowing that my movies were being returned to an actual store.

My favorite part of Netflix is the streaming video. More and more titles are becoming available to watch directly on my computer so I don't even have to wait for a DVD to ship to me. Talk about instant gratification. Plus, this way I can watch as many movies as I want for less than $10 a month. Even when I do have the occasional movie shipped to me, it only takes 1 business day. Granted, I can only have one movie sent at a time, but thats ok because I don't use that service very often.
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