Friday, August 6, 2010

Silent Hill and Resident Evil

Silent Hill HomecomingImage via Wikipedia
My favorite genre of video games is survival horror, ala Resident Evil & Silent Hill. They are the only games that manage to continually shock me, more so than any horror movie I have ever seen. They have the perfect balance of creepy music, atmosphere, gore and interesting plot, although the plot of the Silent Hill games can be a little difficult to follow. I am currently playing Silent Hill: Homecoming for the XBOX 360 and before that I played Resident Evil 5 on 360 and Resident Evil 4 on Nintendo Gamecube. I even have fond memories of playing Resident Evil 2 on Sega Dreamcast back in the day.

As far as the difficulty of the games is concerned, they provide a challenge, but not enough to lose entertainment value. Of all of these games, I would say that I found Resident Evil 4 to be the most difficult. The first level seemed almost impossible at first and I kept running out of ammo too soon, but once I got past that obstacle the game progressed normally. The games are also long enough to make one fell they have not wasted their hard earned money.

Unsurprisingly, I am a fan of the films based on these video games. The first Resident Evil movie was awesome, the second one was really cool, but the third one sucked big time. I'm confident that the upcoming film Resident Evil: Afterlife will more than make up for it. Silent Hill was incredibly reminescent of the feel of the video games and was beautifully done, especially the sequences where the town switched to Hell mode complete with warning sirens and everything. I am definitely looking forward to the sequel.
Resident Evil (film)Image via Wikipedia

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